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Barnyard Bingo

One of the more charming traditions of the Andover Fourth celebration is Barnyard Bingo. First, they line the grass in a small pen into a grid system. Then a heifer is led into the pen. Using hay, animal noises, and gestures, people try to lure the cow over the square on which they have bet five bucks "Nicki" will defecate. It turned out Nicki was not at all ready when she was introduced to the pen at 1:30. After an hour, the crowd began to thin and the photographer from the Concord Monitor drifted off to the firemen's muster or something. There were some entertaining moments and false alarms.

Finally, at 2:55, Nicki came through in profusion.

The judges--including state representative Bill Leber and our own Tim Norris--moved into position quickly to measure the exact spot the flop fell.

J-10! And the winner is Proctor junior Gwen Fairall!

All eyes were on Nicki's business end.
The photographer from the Monitor trained his lens on Nicki.
When Nicki was positioned right, these boys tried to induce an offering with audible suggestion.