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What We Meant
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Earth In Mind
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Looking Ahead
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Rosebud Classroom

During an informal trustee chat early in 2000, someone praised our Morocco program for providing a third world experience. Albert White Hat responded "If you want a third world experience, come to the Reservation." The idea of a Proctor retreat at Rosebud South Dakota proved irresistable, and last week it happened.

Some drove, others flew. About forty folks--faculty, trustees, maintanence folk, alumni, current students and friends convened for the educational experience of a lifetime. Former faculty member George Emeny--who first forged our relationship with Lakota people 25 years ago--attended, as did Dave Fowler--who encouraged those ties across the years.

In addition to lectures, field trips to Wounded Knee, cookouts and nights in teepees, the four-day event featured a buffalo hunt. Here's Bert Carvalho removing the stomach:

A dusty drive to Wounded Knee.
Sign at the entrance to the Sioux Buffalo and Game Preserve.
Alumni "JR" White Hat '00, sister Emily '94 and Lorna Macdonald '96.
The buffalo's head in the back of a pick-up truck.