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Let's charrette.

If you tell somebody in France that you're going to a charrette, they understand that you are tending a primitive cart that takes manure from one place to another place. With our secretive capital campaign clearing 20 mill, it's time to consider all of the options for the future of Maxwell Savage Hall. We call this confab a charrette. Here we are getting ready for a tour of the building:

Architect Greg Hemberger discusses plans to locate student services (mail, deans' offices, student activities offices) where Holland Auditorium--a likely student center--meets English classrooms today:

In the comfort of the Learning Center, attentive attendees consider the options. Environmental impact and sustainability factors are highly significant.

The east side of Maxwell Savage will be enlarged and dramatically renovated.
Charretters checked out a nightmarish electric-and-plumbing closet.
Greg Hemberger introduces some early plans for consideration.