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Early summer fauna.

The notion of this campus crawling with wildlife takes on new meaning at different times of the year. A stroll around Proctor Pond today reveals turtles, frogs, and the usual mutant polliwogs whose legs never really grow to frog length.

News that the pond hosted a beaver caused about as much hysteria as you'd expect. No one knows who has actually seen it, but a felled birch on the north side is pretty convincing.

One way or another, the beaver seems to have walked off. Not every prep school has a Director of Wildlife, but we have Dave Pilla, and he tells us it could reappear at any time and that we shouldn't worry about it. That's good enough for me. I'm busy monitoring the behavior of this week's infestation of Gordon Research Scientists. Every Sunday a couple of busses deposit a new gaggle. Today we are host to bio-organic chemists. Here they are heading west to feed at midday:

The pond is a riot of wildlife.
Proof positive of beaver activity. We've been advised to remain calm.