May (2014)
What We Meant
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Earth In Mind
February (2014)
Looking Ahead
January (2014)
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April (2013)
March (2013)
February (2013)
Wildlife Science

A minor commotion erupted in assembly this morning when my advisee Josh noted that the mysterious plastic bag under my seat was wiggling. Cursory inspection confirmed Josh's hunch: it was full of squirming white mice. No one knows how they got there, but when someone tried to pick up the bag, a few rodents broke for freedom, prompting folks to launch a spontaneous hunt.

We were quickly successful, and assembly proceeded without most people aware of the drama in row 36.

Yes, we're surrounded by animal life at Proctor. Like John Schoeller's sheep in the barn behind Gannett House:

What do these people have in common besides shovels and trash bags?

They are on-campus dog owners, setting off Saturday morning on the traditional spring "poop scoop" outting.

What's in the bag under Chuck's seat? Oh, nothing, really....
Here's my buddy Bert Carvalho, caught (from my office window) settling behind the wheel of my truck this morning....
And there he goes....