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Population Matters

Our daily assemblies are uncensored, open forums in which anyone is free to offer a contrary or controversial perspective, opinion or rant. This morning's meeting featured both Nelson Lebo and Lee Carvalho defending the notion that anti-war sentiments may be held by individuals who are--still--true patriots. This is also "population control week," which is appropriate because Proctor's student population has grown over the years, and it is a controversial matter for many. Lee shed light on things by explaining the mathematical Rule of 70: if you divide 70 by any growth rate, you get the amount of time till the population doubles.

In our case, with 1.3% annual growth (I'm speaking about the globe now,) our 6.25 billion will double in 54 years. Meanwhile, Proctor's day student population has more than doubled since I got here, which I think is great.

Below, students in biology observe the exponential growth curve (red) of human population over the ages.

Are we too big at 301 on campus? No sections are over-enrolled....
The growth curve for human population has a little dip representing the Bubonic Plague.
When mice multiply out of control, they foul their nests. This is the day student "lounge".
It comes down to resources. Sean leans under the sneeze guard to snag a veggie taco.
Charlie and Chris consider their broccoli and cheese strada.
Some things are constant. We still have Edna and her chocolate chip cookies.