Like bees swarming...
It used to be that spring Parents Weekend was a minor event... A few dozen folks showed up for teacher conferences and to cheer on the teams. We changed the name to "Family Weekend," and look what happens: the place is swarming with eager folks!
Today's quiz: What is everyone doing in this pic from assembly?
Right! They're standing and flapping hands while Eric Viandier imitates bees buzzing on his harmonica, because two girls had just announced a fundraiser to replace some bees that arrived dead in the mail!
Also in assembly, Gavin Kalan accompanied Jonathan Stoddard, who sang a tune called "Everlong" by a group called "Foo Fighters" (are you still with me?) which they dedicated to spending time with the ones you love (remember: it's Family Weekend). Nicely done, Gavin and Jon.