May (2014)
What We Meant
April (2014)
Earth In Mind
February (2014)
Looking Ahead
January (2014)
November (2013)
October (2013)
September (2013)
May (2013)
April (2013)
March (2013)
February (2013)
He's BACK....

Jay's back! His ruptured Achilles tendon was fixed on the operating table last Friday, and he'll be ready to complete that ping-pong game in just a few months! It turns out Bonny's husband John installs all kinds of lift systems and elevators, and now we have this nifty stair tractor that backs Jay up to the second floor!

Bummer: once in Jay's office, he has to deal with a nasty odor of unknown origin. This morning, Jay's office smells like the sick room of someone with a virulent stomach bug. Housekeeping came and tried masking the stench with some sweet pink jelly that made the rest of us nauseous, so Jay tried this spray carpet soap pictured here next to Lou's dog Sebastian--who is above suspicion for some reason:

You'll never guess what you're seeing in this pic:

This is Terry's and Megan's GROWTH class critiquing the electric carillon we're checking out for possible installation in the new Meetinghouse. The problem is that the bell tones lack the complex harmonic quality of real bells, and the sound of The Battle Hymn of the Republic and God Bless America pealing through the village left me longing for the quiet intimacy of Jay's odoriferous office. The class voted overwhelmingly to either not buy the fake carillon, or at very least never to plug the thing in.

Hey, it's Jay! Come on in and have a seat in our new stair tractor!
Arrival at the top of the stairs is pretty rough, as we continue to forget to stop the thing, causing it to rock violently backwards. Each time, Jay has the sensation of being catapulted towards the big room.
Will Ames with the machine that fakes playing patriotic songs and hymns on bells. Just what we need!