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Webpage Noire

Alumni: Don't let the fact that we've given you a diploma get in the way of continued exposure on Chuck's Corner! Just e-mail me images of whatever, like Brad Cabot, George Bordash and Carter Westlund did while driving around the far West in a red Subaru wagon the other day. This one came entitled "Starting Out":

Every 100 miles they screamed for a while out the windows:

It gets worse. Their photos include images of the kind of filth that fills cars driven by teenagers. You can almost smell the melting cheese on a sunbaked dashboard:

The West is on fire. Here is smoke in Durango.
This image came with the caption "J. Crew in Kansas."
Webpage verite: running shoes, leaking Coke cans and caramel popcorn on the floor of the Subaru.
Perhaps motivated to escape the stench in their vehicle, Brad and George frolic down a lonesome highway in the heartland.