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More Truth

The previous page commented on a published study called The Truth About Boarding Schools. I offered the opinion that each boarding school might benefit more by articulating its differentiated position within the market than by supporting an expensive marketing campaign to benefit the entire industry. The study does make one important, valuable point. Tucked on the back page under "Dispelling Myths" is this: "59% of boarding school students describe their schools as having students from many races and ethnic group as opposed to 19% of private day and 39% of public schools." Just consider geography: New England boarding schools can not and should not enroll students just from the Boston suburbs and western Connecticut.

Here, again, we differentiate ourselves: Proctor's character is shaped by decades of enrolling students from California, Texas, Atlanta, Baltimore, DC, Lawrence, Pine Ridge SD.... Yesterday, the Diversity Team presented a skit in assembly that caused us to consider the healthy forces of individuality within community.

The results of another survey were surprising. Asked to stand "...if you really care about the World Series," most of the community leapt to its feet:

Drawing on a national--and sometimes international-- scale, many boarding schools have engineered populations of enviable diversity.
Aside from the typical measures of ethnic and racial diversity, the geographic roots of the community are remarkable.
Small dorms, small classes and teams create an environment of uncommon safety for appreciating difference.
Carolina is from Lawrence, MA; Marion is from Machakos, Kenya.
Born in Romania, Bogdan was raised in Napa Valley.
Lana comes to Proctor from Porcupine, South Dakota.
Adam (right) is a Phillies fan; Jesse could care less. Correction: Jesse's a rabid Twins follower.
Nick and Charlie check out Sports Channel in the community center.