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Don't try this at home!

Broomball is back! After years without this old Proctor tradition, dorms are again competing on the pond. Played with sneakers, brooms, a volleyball, and hockey goals, it is statistically one of the more dangerous things we do around here, accounting for multiple bruised elbows and black eyes. So, helmets are mandatory!

The student handbook doesn't say: "Students may not invent games that are dangerous or stupid," so a few lads became inventive during a broomball practice today. After a coin toss, the loser (called "the tee") assumes a submissive position on the ice while "the swinger" eagerly grabs the nearest broom and takes a few warm-ups.

With the help of "the placer," the ball is positioned on the tee's cranium.

It's game time! The swinger swings, and....

TWACK!! The spheroid is smitten directly into the upper part of the goal without hitting the ice. GOAL!! Note: If "the tee" is up to it, (which is surprisingly rare,) positions are then reversed, and the game continues.

Here's a shot of bleach blond Ian Makechnie--youngest son of Arthur and Heather, and brother of BB coach Gregor '90--slapping five with Tyrell Dortch '02 before yesterday's game. Ian is apparently PA '07.
This poor-quality image shows Jack Jenkins finishing an attempted slam dunk. Notice the ball in the upper left....oddly careening toward midcourt...