I took algebra 1 in the eighth grade. On the wall, below a clock, hung a sign that read, "Time will pass. Will you?" I did not.
Nothing is as it appears. There was a time when final exams were written in little blue books. Not any more.
Today's finals are more apt to be entered on personal laptops. They may include presentations, performances, dissection and teamwork.
This image tells a simple story: students are heading back from Pizza Chef with boxes containing hot, cheesey pies, right?
Wrong. The boxes are empty. The photo is staged for a newspaper article about the sidewalk Proctor and Pizza Chef funded linking the two establishments.
Speaking of sidewalks, the paths radiating out from the entrance to Maxwell Savage are constructed with bricks naming graduates by class. Are the bricks clustered randomly or alphabetically? Neither. They're grouped by Ariel, Chloe, and whomever happens to be hanging out.