The winter we want starts off with heavy snow which provides the base for the repeated coatings of dry powder that we enjoy--on slopes, cross country racing or old-fashioned ski touring. This past weekend provided these conditions better than we have known for many years.

It was not to last. We returned from Winter Break to rain, which made flooded walkways treacherous.

Many followed Austin's lead through the banks for traction.

Yet we persevere!
Lindsay teaches a math problem that considers the linear equation for a collect phone call. But what in the world is a collect call?

It's all business in Honors Chemistry.

Another reality is that several teachers are out with nasty coughs and low-grade fevers. Several classes are meeting with student leaders managing the process. We're reading/reciting/role-playing

Robotics teams are preparing for a "scrimmage" at Phillips next Sunday.

True academicians...... Nick and Alix.

I am told this is a wicked awesome picture.

Their teacher is out sick, but these ninth graders role play specific scenes from
Macbeth on their own.