Andover native Nick Fairall '07 first saw Proctor's ski jumps when he was four years old. Two years later, he started jumping for Andover Outing Club, the ski jumping training organization operated by Proctor's iconic coach, Tim Norris. Over the years--both at Proctor and beyond as a member of the US Ski Team--Nick has had a glorious career. Now, after flying 125.5 and 131.5 meters at the Large Hill US Ski Jumping Championships at Utah Olympic Park, Nick has won the United States Championship Title. Remarkably, the second and third place finishers are also New Hampshire natives! Below,
Nick shares the podium with Lebanon's Nick Alexander and Chris Lamb, another product of Andover Outing Club.

Congratulations to Nick, Nicholas and Chris, and to all those who make our community such a successful incubator of ski jumping talent!
Meanwhile, 5,800 miles to the south, Proctor senior Angie Duke stands atop another podium as winner of the junior (18 and under) Argentine National Slalom Championships at Cerro Catedral, Bariloche.

Only days before, Angie won the Silver Medal at the South American Cup Series at Chapelco, finishing behind a three-time Olympian who is sixteen years older than Angie. Congratulations, Angie!