Fall Family Weekend is upon us, bringing the largest throng of parents, grandparents and siblings in history. The space between Maxwell Savage and Ives house looks like a used car lot.

To the extent possible, we want them to know the Proctor experience, so we bring in chairs and welcome everyone to classes.

A.P. Environmental Science is doing analysis of silt run-off in Proctor Pond.

In Forensics, students are observing different ways specific types of glass shatter.

Outside the iron forge, Josh Norris holds an engineering mathematics class that's considering rocketry.

At assembly, Mike welcomes the largest crowd ever in the Meeting House.

The role of the Parent Association is immense this weekend. To ease the crunch in the dining room and provide faculty an emotional break before an afternoon of parent-teacher conferences, PAPA delivers dozens of pizzas and trays of salads to the Faculty Room.

Family Weekend has grown over the years. It is--today--an extended, two-day immersion in the life of the community, featuring meetings, talks, meals, conferences, a social reception, and athletic contests. It's value is unquestioned. It is also a great deal of work!

Following Saturday afternoon's games, most students will travel New England with families, enjoying a few days of rest and relaxation at this time of peak autumnal color.