In a recent blog entitled
Out On a Limb, Seth Godin observes, "That's where artists do their work.
Not in the safe places, but out there, in a place where they might fail, where it might end badly, where connections might be lost, sensibilities might be offended, jokes might not be gotten.
If you work with artists, don't saw off the limb. Don't waste a lot of time explaining how dangerous it is, either. No, your job is to quietly support the limb at the same time you egg your team on, pushing them ever further out there."
Here's Ben being an artist-as-athlete:

Here, again is the simple truth: we create and achieve the greatest when putting it all out there; moving away from comfort; taking risk, and risking failure. Like, dissecting a perch.

Or enduring the stench of formaldehyde to study a lamprey.

Or electing to learn your blood type, which requires confidently stabbing your finger.

Jonathan helps McV squeeze out a few drops.

Huge cones, it seems, can hurt.

Out on a limb. "That's where artists do their work," says Godin. In a way, all that we do is art. So being "out there," is where we want to be.

The marquee above the entrance to the Wilkins Meeting House has called for snow for a couple of weeks. Today, the ground is finally blanketed in white!

Where the artists are....