A satire on American society prompted by Elvis Presley's induction into the Army in 1958, "Bye, Bye, Birdie" is a hilarious musical that you should see this weekend. Shows start at 7:00 PM Friday and Saturday in the Norris Family Theater, and tickets are available by emailing alexe@proctornet.com.

The story really hinges on the naughty heart-throb's agent, Albert Peterson and his struggling relationship with secretary/love Rose Alvarez.

These actors--Zada and Canon--are veterans of the Proctor stage, and their confidence, humor, nuance and skill is matched only by their voices.

From the start, you are laughing out loud, and totally enthralled with roller-coaster relationships that are bound to work out right. Albert's manipulative mother--played brilliantly by Monica Kaplan--nearly steals the show with her brassy New York accent.

The cast is immense, with a dozen little kids who dance and sing along with confidence. Much of the choreography was directed by Cameron Lucas '11.

MattyLo is outrageous as Conrad Birdie, (a name taken from Elvis's competitor, Conway Twitty.)

Tensions mount between Kim and her boyfriend Hugo when she is randomly chosen to receive Conrad's "last kiss" on the Ed Sullivan Show.

The show just get more hilarious as it reaches its conclusion.

Email alexe@proctornet.com for tickets!