If ever the meaning of a term changed overnight, it is "social networking," which simply inferred meeting and connecting with others (for mutual benefit) until now. I'll get back to this topic in a moment. First, this observation: Proctor is an extremely social school, at which true individuals can meet and connect.

The start of the winter term is always a riot of social networking at Proctor, because three dozen kids are returning from life-changing ocean voyages, as well as terms in Spain and Costa Rica. They re-enter a school in which a whole third of the population is new (to them, after you subtract the 30 kids off to Proctor in Spain, France, Mountain Classroom, Morocco, and Costa Rica this term).

So, the social scene is fresh with new energy, passion and stories to tell. But back to the topic of social networking. Mike spoke in our first assembly about a number of topics, including a new policy that electronically shuts off social networking sites such as Facebook during study hall hours. The policy was adopted--after a difficult debate--by faculty vote ten days ago. This is the scene in the Wise Community Center this morning:

An audible gasp was heard when Mike informed students of the new policy, but they cannot know the departure from tradition upon which we have embarked! These guys are playing Call Of Duty (I believe) before the start of algebra.

One of Proctor's core values, responsibility, is a key factor in the debate. I use the present tense, because the debate is on-going. To some, it is our responsibility to deny distractions that impede the academic process. And--after all--at the moment, we're just talking about shutting down social media for two hours out of the day.

Another perspective is that we grant responsibility to students to exercise responsibility. That was the mantra that brought us to this place over the past 38 years. But that model is tough on faculty, because it leaves the relationship as the vehicle for coaxing and modifying student behavior, and that approach is as exhausting as it is successful.

Throwing a switch to shut off student access is not granting responsibility; it denies the exercise of responsibility. Of course, many students have abused the responsibility they've been granted, and spend too much time on Facebook when they should be studying. Our fear of this reality is a powerful motivator!

Students, some faculty, and even a trustee or two will argue that social networking is 21st Century currency; that our kids are using media that will shape their careers and relationships, and that to even try to deny access for two hours--however well-intentioned--is sending the wrong message. And what if they can circumvent it via smartphones, etc.? How do we--as an adult community--look then? As Chris Norris used to say, "Never try to control behavior you can not control."

To complicate matters, the new policy was enacted at a meeting at which our student leaders--who are particularly motivated on this topic--could not be present to articulate their positions. This fact was made clear at the time, resulting in much unease with the process.

Who knows? The policy banning social media access from 8:00-10:00 PM Sunday-Friday may be best for our students, and it may be best for Proctor Academy, but it has novel attributes. Its support from the student body is unknown, and possibly negligible, which--in the words of one student leader--may result in a sense of the adversarial that is wholly uncharacteristic to this school. If this happens, let us pray we find out sooner rather than later. Since 1971, we have rarely, if ever, enacted policy with no student support.

Separated at birth? Max and Calvin at 10:00 PM.....

Student leadership is mobilizing, and the debate will continue. Of that we can be certain!