May (2014)
April (2014)
March (2014)
February (2014)
Head's Day
January (2014)
December (2013)
Ed Industry
November (2013)
October (2013)
August (2013)
August Podia
July (2013)
June (2013)
Reunion 2013
May (2013)
April (2013)
Bombs Away
March (2013)
February (2013)
January (2013)
Big Chill
Gearing Up to Gear Down

Throughout the winter, dorms competed in the "Green Dorm Challenge" for cash prizes awarded for best compliance with environmentally responsible behaviors (heat registers exposed, lights off, evidence of recycling, etc.) Farm and Fowler won the "contest," and--in an environmentally inspired move--are donating $200 to the Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust.

Chris Spitzmiller '90 was up from New York City and provided a workshop in the ceramic studio Tuesday morning.

Spring trimester is shorter than fall and winter, which poses some problems. Simply adding a week to the end of the term is not an obvious solution, because so many of our neighboring schools graduate one or two weeks earlier than Proctor. This means that the athletic season winds down early, and we have to be creative with afternoon time. The softball team challenged faculty to a game. Somehow, the girls looked better prepared:

The starters on boys' JV lacrosse sat on the bench to cheer on the rest of the team as they played KUA recently.

Ninth graders in world history have created highly symbolic monuments commemorating injustices, genocide and social crimes. Below, Connor and Garrett explain details of a sundial they created heightening awareness of the hideous crimes of Belgian King Leopold II, who was the de facto owner of the Congo during its forced production of rubber in the latter half of the 19th Century.

Below, Jackson discusses the symbolic aspects of his painting commemorating the incident at Tianenman Square on June 4, 1989. A recurring theme in these projects is the power of the individual to accomplish social change.

Final exams begin Monday! Paulina is studying Mass Media and American Politics, a text that one might expect to be much larger....

Rob is all work during study hall in Lovejoy Library.
Just across the room...
In this physics activity, Kate and Johnny proved that you can break the shuttle....
...if you try hard enough.
One of many alumni/ae in the arts; Chris Spitzmiller shares some techniques.
Congratulations to Brenda Godwin on receiving the Renaissance Teacher Award!
At Proctor Pond: duck, duck, goose.