May (2014)
April (2014)
March (2014)
February (2014)
Head's Day
January (2014)
December (2013)
Ed Industry
November (2013)
October (2013)
August (2013)
August Podia
July (2013)
June (2013)
Reunion 2013
May (2013)
April (2013)
Bombs Away
March (2013)
February (2013)
January (2013)
Big Chill
Good Looks

The way we look to outsiders is a favorite theme on this site, because it makes it so easy to poke fun at our appearance, which is exactly what I'm going to do now. More than one hundred newly admitted applicants and all of their relatives will descend upon our fair campus tomorrow (and Tuesday). What will they see? Well, they'll see dirty snowbanks.

These folks are savvy and discriminating, and they know what they want to see..... like small classes. Now, the truth is that classes ARE small, but not during "Revisit Days." No. They will see classes of twelve and thirteen students with eight and ten visitors added to the mix.

Hopefully, they will get a feeling for teaching methodologies. This is part of a surface tension lab.

And this is (edible!) tetrahedron (correction: I am informed it is a dodecahedron) construction in geometry.

The point is that we go to great effort to craft next year's student population, but at this key moment, we can not provide a real experience of academic life at Proctor, because of the crowd. They'll miss the real quality of life in the Wise Center before assembly:

And the scene just a few feet away in the lobby after assembly:

None of the visitors will be around when the Scrabble game comes out after dinner in the community center.

And certainly no visitors would be in the Carr House Commons Room when da boyz are playing Nintendo Wii.....

I'll bet anything that they'll miss this stunt.

Things may look a little crowded, but wait till the revisitors are here!
This is the walk up to assembly.
By the time Wilson is alone in the art studio, visitors will be long gone.
Hopefully, they'll meet Tyler.
And Robert.
Sophie and Dave are new Wise Center monitors, and what a job they are doing!
What are Rob and Hannah doing?
Texting one another?