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Winter term ends Sunday, and we entered final exams this morning. The past few days have been say the least, with arts and athletic performances, and more.

The jazz/rock band performed both Friday night and in Tuesday's assembly.

Below, Ethan and Tommy on bass and guitar.

On Tuesday evening, Slocumb Hall was open for the end-of-term art show. Alex and Tucker are admiring Hugh Shackleton's extraordinary portfolio.

Tucker and Kelly enjoy cheese and crackers while admiring Alex's sailing skiff, which is nearing completion.

And here's Mike Henriques chatting with architectural design teacher Brooks Bicknell '77.

This year, the boys' varsity hockey teams from KUA, Holderness, Tilton and Proctor created a Lakes Region Championship tournament, organized in Beanpot fashion over Saturday and Sunday. The Hornets stunned Holderness in double overtime up in Plymouth on Saturday to qualify for the championship game Sunday at home against a Tilton squad that already beat us twice this season. Implementing a new defensive scheme, the Hornets upset the Rams 5-1!

The frontpage of today's Concord Monitor features an article entitled School Shrinks Footprint. Here's the reporter interviewing students who are active in Proctor Environmental Action.

And here's the frontpage photo of forestry students calculating the "merchantable volume" of a pine, using a diameter tape and (in the back left) a Merritt Hypsometer.

Serendipitous, solar art: for a precious few days in March, the angle of the sun enables its light to enter a skylight in the Wise Community Center from 10:15 to 10:30 AM....strike the mirrored dance ball suspended there...and create a magical effect:

Calder, on a blue, electrified violin.
Will, on saxophone.
Kelly, on trumpet.
Regular readers have seen this fanciful chair coming together.
Dave, constructing a model of a futuristic home in architectural design.
The new Hornet makes a difference!
A mirrored dance ball sees the sun!