May (2014)
April (2014)
March (2014)
February (2014)
Head's Day
January (2014)
December (2013)
Ed Industry
November (2013)
October (2013)
August (2013)
August Podia
July (2013)
June (2013)
Reunion 2013
May (2013)
April (2013)
Bombs Away
March (2013)
February (2013)
January (2013)
Big Chill
My Space

In October, we see the first surge of prospective applicants and their families touring campus. What do they see? On a quick pass through Maxwell Savage and Shirley Halls, one witnesses classrooms filled with students peering into laptop screens. They are--no doubt--researching history projects, literary critiques and classic science.

I have the ability to infiltrate behind computer screens, to witness awful realities, which I am willing to share--at great risk to my well-being. I must tell you: this is not a research project:

It's great to see an Honors Geometry class hard at work! Or, are they enjoying a gingerbreadman video.....?

I had a great day, today, sneaking up behind kids in classes. In truth, these incursions were in the opening moments of each class, but it is true that our dread fear that students might visit MySpace or play Halo2 has some validity.

We have to come to grips with the horrible truth that students spend some free time in these pursuits.

OK. Irene is dedicated to the arts, and dance...

This is game (I'm told) is called "Baloons."

What is amusing Oliver so?

What's Ian doing?
Visiting his own My Space!
Ethan's apparently shopping for high-end sports cars.
Shopping for tennis raquets?
The emotions rendered by computer activities are tough to read.
What,for example, is Madi doing on-line at this moment?
I don't want to know what Dylan is doing.
Sabrina's checking out pix from her birthday party.
Will's sailing on Narragansett Bay.
I think I'll caption this "Hell Yeah!"