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Head's Day
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Ed Industry
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August Podia
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Reunion 2013
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Bombs Away
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Big Chill
Sophomoric Behaviors

Class photos continue. Today's pix are of tenth graders. They are an extraordinary class. Comprising one quarter of the student population, they are the second (oops, third) largest class, with 86 students. (The senior class is 98, the junior class is 106 and there are 58 ninth graders.)

Faculty take great satisfaction observing (and nurturing) the evolution of a class as it matures through its few years here.

This sophomore class contains 39 new students, and they contribute to a new student population that seems very well-suited to the school. Faculty are aware that this year seems to be off to a good start, and the obvious variable is the blend of new students with all of the returnees.

All we could ask is that this class will gel with the consistency, energy and love that have distinguished recent graduating classes. In just six years, these kids will be back--having graduated from college (or whatever!)--for Reunion 2014.

But it is too soon to speak of such things; there's too much yet to do....Like concentrated attention to writing and calculation and labs and papers and study abroad and Ocean Classroom and Mountain Classroom.

So, today, we'll just photograph 86 fifteen and sixteen-year-olds and know that they're in a place that is designed to maximize their opportunities for success.

Amanda, Grace and Nick.
William and Lizie.