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Remembering Morton

Legend has it that Morton House was built by professor James Francis Morton "with his own hands" in 1898-1900. After decades of talk about tearing this three story dorm down, it's about to happen. First, however, Kim Hurlbutt (with video cam) and I are dispatched to document its interior.

Assuming Morton has housed sixteen boys every year since its construction, (which is a low estimate, given our rotation of students returning from off-campus programs,) this venerable edifice has been home to 1,712 boys. We hope that these images stir warm feelings of nostalgia for those who have survived the experience.

Over the years, Morton has witnessed fires, student-rigged faculty door alarms (that sounded on the third floor,) and alarming, hidden storage spaces. Oh: the number 1,712 doesn't include the raccoons that students lured from fire escapes into third-floor rooms for overnight stays in the early '80s....

For many years, Morton House has set a standard from which the appeal of other residences has been measured.

Somehow, traditions endure. A page I wrote in January, 2006, entitled Professor Morton's House featured a fluffer-nutter. Alex has the key ingredients ready....

Soon, I'll dedicate a page to the demise of Morton House. In the meantime, we pause for a moment on the front porch.... a perspective shared by 1,712 alumni.

Home to 1,712.
Twisting, dimly illuminated stairs.
Second floor shower room.
1950s-era sinks.
The Morton House Electrolux.
On the third floor, Adam wakens to a new day!
Eagle takes two calculators to do his math.
A commons room accessory.
It's time to get out.