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Cleaning Up

Following a couple of strictly thematic Corners, I am posting a set of widely disparate images from the past week. Last Sunday's deep sea fishing trip was deemed a great success despite the fact that more people threw up than caught fish. Here's Andrew with an award-winning shark:

On a sunny day, a concave mirror demonstrates both the power of the parabola and electromagnetic energy.

Pete sacrificed a poetry text to the sun. Even closing the book didn't keep the seared pages from bursting into flame.

Students have been finding there way to the Blackwater River and Elbow Pond on warm afternoons. Here, at Elbow, Dave keeps his eye on the ball.

In Slocumb Hall, Andrew (front) helps his big brother with Chris's senior project, which is a home-made surfboard.

The yearbook staff came forward in assembly to announce the dedication of the 2007 Green Lantern to our beloved Terry Stoecker.

This is what happens when yearbooks are distributed:

We are proud to hear that Jay Anctil '05 earned a 3.1 average and was named Most Improved Player for U.V.M. hockey!
Jay Anctil sprints on right wing for University of Vermont.
Henry provides some back support for Teddy as they take notes.
Nick stoops to book burning!
Willis's primary color surfboard is dedicated to Wonder Bread.
Varsity boys lacrosse coach Ian Hamlet has been voted Coach of the Year by his peer coaches.