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Pregame Rituals

Varsity boys hockey is notable for the ever-evolving set of rituals that precede each game. To the extent that there's logic to this, here it is: Whatever we did before our last win, we have to do before this game. That means that these superstitious behaviors (not washing game socks, for example) can only change after a loss. On Saturday, they scored three goals in the last three minutes to stun Hebron with a one goal win, so everything has to be done just right now. They have lunch together in a semi-private room off of the dining hall:

When they travel to games away, everyone sits in the same seat as before. The blades of your skates must never touch the ground. Between periods, goalie Josh Rosenholtz downs a Red Bull. Here, at lunch, he shows us the effects of these energy drinks:

Matt Robertson's dad brings the lucky puck to touch. Matt Milley's shoulder needs to be taped, and only Ryan does that. Josh's sleeves need to be rolled up. That's got to be done by Ryan. Dana has to be the last one out of the locker room.

We're not certain of Neil Ruffini's compulsive behaviors, but here he is scoring his first goal Wednesday against Berwick:

And here he is (upper center/left) scoring his second. (Notice the biscuit in the basket):


One of several sophomores playing a regular shift, Tyler demonstrates his work in biology.
Taking a cue from Josh, Chris tries an energy drink with lunch.
Josh shows how it's done.
If Matt takes a hot shower before the game, we win.
His younger brother, sporting his "sweatsedo," yawns through a pre-game stretch.
A few minutes later, Al's in charge of locker room tunes.
Moments after taping Matt's shoulder, Ryan tends to his own pads, taping the right one first, of course.
You can bet coach Walsh is wearing his lucky boxer shorts.
Asked if they have any rituals, ninth graders Adam and Will responded, "Again and again, we watch the game from the bench...."
All of this intrigue is lost on happy fans.