May (2014)
April (2014)
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February (2014)
Head's Day
January (2014)
December (2013)
Ed Industry
November (2013)
October (2013)
August (2013)
August Podia
July (2013)
June (2013)
Reunion 2013
May (2013)
April (2013)
Bombs Away
March (2013)
February (2013)
January (2013)
Big Chill
The Real Deal

Friday is the second "revisit day," and fifty-five boys and girls are back with their parents. We are told to be natural, so that visitors see Proctor in its authenticity. It's an impossible task, of course, given the numbers. After visitors are paired with student hosts at breakfast, they pour out of the dining hall toward first period classes. We're trying hard to be authentic....

That accomplished, more than one hundred parents form a river flowing toward the Wise Center.

Joanna, in Celtics uniform, is hosting two visitors.

It can be tough being authentic when being scrutinized, but we give it our all.


Parents form a human river flowing to the Wise Center.
Sometimes, it's easy to tell who is a visitor and who is already enrolled.
We're all so happy here!
Lizzy pretends to give Keira a tour.
Really enjoying the thrill of learning, or posing?
Jake shows the real thing.
Claire shows displeasure with her chem lab. We can't have anger today, Claire.
Beastie makes a deliberately spastic stab at a catch.
OK, the girls up front are working, but is Eben seriously studying in the background?
I don't think so....