By their nature, residential schools have great potential as incubators of student leadership and student leaders. The social ethos supports the kind of risk-taking that is inherent to self-assertion and leadership.

Athletic teams (by no means unique to boarding schools) encourage leadership beyond elected captains; to different degrees--every player leads by example.

Beyond athletic teams, boarding schools spawn clubs and organizations in response to student initiative and passion. Proctor Environmental Action, "Varsity" Improvisation, and the Green Key tour guide program are just a few examples. Come to lunch between 1:00 and 1:10, and you are greeted by Jon Beard's new Door Opening Club!

In this morning's all-school assembly, Axel--who is New England Regional Coordinator for the Green School Alliance--introduced his initiative raising awareness of animal protection and endangered species which are becoming extinct at an exponential rate.

Then there is formalized Student Leadership. Elected by their class, a couple of dozen students meet weekly to promote commmunity activities, advance school spirit and consider proposals to amend school policies. At other schools, this might be called "student council." This week, the school is enjoying a series of intramural contests vaguely inspired by
The Hunger Games, called Hornet Games. Paired dormitories or "hives" have representatives ("tributes") who are lead competitors in sports such as paddleboarding around Proctor Pond at dusk.

Everyone is involved, and the program--conceived and advanced by Student Leadership--is drawing big crowds and meeting its goal of heightening school spirit and a sense of community.

Hives (as in hornets.....get it?) have been dressing thematically, stretching our concept of dress code!

Of course, faculty comprise a hive, and are throwing themselves into the fun and silliness.

Student Leadership has its own leaders, Gerry and Bowen, who are this year's elected School Leader and Assistant School Leader. Below, left, Bowen and Gerry conduct a musical chairs contest by "tributes" in this morning's assembly.

Gerry and Bowen are exceptionally energetic, positive and confident. Their spirit is contagious!