It's a rainy midsummer day. Perhaps those of you who do not see Proctor in July will appreciate a campus tour. The place is relatively quiet, but not abandoned. Each week, we host about a hundred attendees of
Gordon Research Conferences. This week's crowd is sharing and studying research on microbial population biology. Here they are on a coffee break outside the Meetinghouse.

From the Slocumb Hall perspective, you can see construction under way on the new, yet-to-be-named dormitory.

Here's a look from the organic garden, across the football field. A tall crane is positioning a beam.

During the school year, the rotunda of Maxwell Savage Hall is swarming with students, faculty and administrators. Not today.

Also quiet is the gymnasium, although the training room sees some action during the day.

I mentioned Gordon Research Conferences above. One of the many advantages of hosting GRC is that it keeps much of the school's staff (food services and housekeeping) gainfully employed throughout the summer.

Meanwhile, the campus's western boundary has been extended with the acquisition of 246 Main Street, a lovely property that will serve as a residence for faculty.

Things are quiet over at Proctor Ski Area! The jumps will need a little attention this fall, as vegetation has sprouted up with all of the rain we've received.