I am briefly reclaiming Chuck's Corner from my friend, Stephen Harris '13, who is writing six blog posts on this site as "Steve's Corner" for his Senior Project, to interject a review of the Spring Musical, The Wizard of Oz.
Of this we can be sure: when L. Frank Baum's children's novel
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was published on May 17, 1900, he could never dream that his fanciful, surreal tale would become one of the great icons of American culture. It prompted six films (beginning with very short, silent movies,) and six distinct stage productions. Of course, one of those films, Metro-Goldwin-Mayer's collosal 1939 product, needs no words of introduction from me. Despite early box office disappointment, the film began a television run in 1956 that made it the most watched movie in the history of the United States, and--perhaps--the world. Consider how many phrases you can recall from memory!
The Wizard of Oz plays Friday and Saturday nights at 7:00 in the Norris theater. The cast may be the largest in Proctor history. Professor Marvel (who will become the Wizard in Dorothy's dream,) is a con artist who genuinely wishes to do good.

"I don't think we're in Kansas anymore."

The color and choreography of the show are unprecedented.

Dorothy encounters a new friend...a scarecrow in search of a brain.

The new friends acquire a new friend with a new need.

A new friend with his unique need.

The merry old land of Oz...

The wizard bestows a gift.

He's from Kansas, and can return by hot air balloon!

Oh, oh..... Toto distracts Dorothy, and The Great Oz is gone!

Dorothy has always had the power to go home. Each of us has the power. Tearful good-byes.

There's no place like home.....

The real lesson, however, is something greater than going home, says Terry Stoecker. "Know who is at your left hand; know who is at your right hand.....know who your true friends are...as you pursue your journey." Dorothy knew, and so should you. Find out now.
Get tickets for this outstanding show! Reserve tickets at 735-6870 or email alexe@proctornet.com