Winter term has ended. We completed Finals Week Friday morning.

For reasons I do not recall, we encourage alternatives to traditional final exams at the end of winter term only. Many classes still finish with pen-on-paper assessments.

Yet many opt for creative alternative presentations of subject mastery. Ethan defends the work of the extraordinarily ideosyncratic Nikola Tesla, who bolted from the Edison camp to Westinghouse, and proceeded to create much of our electrical uses today.

Lindsay Brown's algebra students are working in teams of three. Each student is responsible for 8 of 24 complex problems, but they can get all the help they can drum up from their team. The Frank Sinatra tunes playing in the background are Burke's selection.

Max applies the ethical relativism of Shakespeare's
Hamlet to Erich Maria Remarque's
All Quiet On the Western Front.

Elemy, Manny and Jaeger listen as Connor defends hydro fracking.

Sophie shares her floor plan for a colonial revival home she's created in Architectural Design.

Nick's one-story is located on the beach in southern Florida.

Physics Engineering has been calculating specifications of the rocket design and thrust for a vehicle that will ascend to exactly 750 feet.