I'm not the only one running around this place with a camera. As faculty advisor to the yearbook, Brenda Godwin documents major events and performances. We work differently: she uses a flash--which I avoid--and while most of my stuff is "candid," Brenda calls for all kinds of groups to assemble for posed shots after assembly. These groups may be "siblings and legacies," "people with puffy, black Northface jackets," or--for a senior page--"friends of Dave." When she asks for Green Key to pose, this cluster forms, many of whom actually do offer admission tours to visitors:
When she called for "friends of Dave" this colorful gathering spontaneously convened:
With final exams underway, and assembly meeting in the middle of the afternoon, teachers flip burgers on a grill outside the Meeting House for a grateful crowd:
Brenda's next appointment is with the Admission Office. We should be grateful that this critical team sees things the way it does: