Spring Family Weekend begins with parents attending Friday morning classes.

Family weekends accomplish several goals, one of which is to afford an appreciation for the caliber of student academic work.

After two academic blocks we gather in the theater for assembly. This one features the usual announcements--some hilarious, others raising awareness of social causes or calling for help with collection of recyclables. Finally, we enjoy a performance by a visiting jazz band from a German gymnasium.

Throughout the day, parent volunteers greet peers over hot drinks and muffins at the PAPA hospitality cart.

To provide time for afternoon parent/teacher conferences, the morning schedule is altered to allow for activities (such as sports practices) before lunch. Parents may choose to attend these activities or participate in special adventures that introduce less-known aspects of the school. A group of parents joined Land Use Manager Dave Pilla on an informative tour of Proctor woodlands, observing evidence of deer and moose browsing, forestry succession and the vernal pool highlighted in the previous Corner.

The weekend benefits from extensive parent volunteerism coordinated by the Parent Association, such as the annual "Spring Fling" tennis tournament.

Some students join parents for teacher conferences; others recreate...

...spectate or pose.

Or soak up some welcomed sunshine.