It is said that the fear of speaking in public is the most common and debilitating of phobias. It's also true that the ability to deliver a well-crafted address in public is an immense asset. Every winter term, American Lit students (sophomores) prepare and deliver a speech in class. The most successful of these are finalists for the Hays Speaking Prize, which was established in 1998. Thursday night, in front of approximately 300 students, faculty, parents and three judges, the eight finalists delivered their talks. This photo is courtesy of Brenda Godwin:

The product of long hours and hard work, the speeches were well-crafted, organized and purposeful. It's a contest, so the judges identify three speakers who receive certificates, one of whom gets the cash prize for best speech. Congratulations to Jake D. whose
analysis of our nation's current political climate was exacting and articulate, substantiated with quotations and historic citations, and delivered wholly from memory.

The Hays Prize is named for long-time Trustee Bill Hays and was established by former Board Chair-turned English teacher John Pendleton. It happens that Trustees are on campus now, engaged in lots of exciting activity: electing a slate of young, new Trustees; considering future capital projects and scrutinizing the budget.

Annual Giving is tracking strong, and is ahead of last year's pace. We're not technically in a Capital Campaign, and yet we're in "campaign mode," raising hundreds of thousands of dollars toward independent projects. Momentum is strongly behind construction of a new south wing to Teddy Maloney Rink, an addition that will feature a spacious entrance and lobby accessing new locker rooms, referee space, showers and bathrooms. This will serve the school and our visitors over three seasons; it's not simply a hockey facility. Similar momentum is building for construction of a new dormitory. Below, students trudge a path through deep snow from our most recent dorm, Peabody House.

Trustees are also considering upgrades to Proctor's spectacular Blackwater Ski Area. Plans call for improved snow-making, expanded lighting and the possible purchase of an impressive, professional-grade groomer. Saturday evening at 5:00 PM, Trustees joined students, faculty staff and all friends of Proctor skiing for the annual Blackwater Celebration. They enjoyed the best groomed trails we've known; (the "new" groomer is on loan for a couple of weeks!) Today, the newly
homologated "Blackwater Trail" was in full service for Proctor giant slalom racers, while the Burden Trail hosted Waterville Valley Academy and Proctor slalom racers on two courses!

Women's snowboarding (with coach Dave Kenney) is sporting new flannels today.

Things are happening!