The previous Corner attracted a slew of photos from students' summer activities, and now we will continue. Send your JPG images to! We start today's page on Lac de Francais, Quebec, where Louis Morin and Tuckerman Ferris are wake skating.

Now we move to "downeast" Maine, where Tuckerman, Geoff Bonewald and Geordie Sousa have emerged from a deep woods dirt bike ride.

Let's fly south a ways..... to the mountains of Chile, where some members of Proctor's Eastern team are training. From left: Tyler Mackenzie, Tuckerman Ferris, Geordie Sousa, John Arnold, Geoff Bonewald, Moot (a coach) and Louis Morin.

At the end of the day, looking back toward the capital, Santiago.

From across the Atlantic, Nicholas Mugglestone sends these photos from his off-road mountain bike traverse of England from west to east, which he accomplished with his dad.
When the trail ended at a mountain pass, the bike ride became a climbing expedition!
Hannah Frantz has completed an intensive athletic training camp at Springfield College, and recommends the program to anyone interested in pursuing this field. Here she is pictured (left) with another student and an unidentified foot. Observe properly wrapped thighs.
And here's a recent shot of Nate Fifer (with his brother who is not visible,) sailing their 23' Bluejacket on the LaHave River in Nova Scotia.
When Geordie's not traveling the globe dirt biking or skiing, he's lobstering and fishing. Here, he's landing a tarpon....

And here, he's bagged a nice tuna. Sushi?