The prayers of many are being answered, as the first snow storm of the season is dumping about a foot. This is a meteorology class making observations.
Wildlife science took a stroll to deer yards behind Johnson House on Friday, while considering seasonal adaptation and various pathologies. Dave explains that stratified layers of ice in a snowpack significantly limit a deer's mobility.

Snow came early at the Blackwater ski area, as cold temperatures enabled us start the compressors.
Not waiting for snow to come to Andover, Proctor Mountaineering climbed Mount Washington Sunday.
In the warmth of the stone chapel, the a capella group rehearses.
A biology class is comparing and contrasting the skeletal structure of small animals, including a domestic feline, puppies and chickens.
Mistaken as a female when young, this proud rooster is named "creampuff."
Some students leap at the opportunity to handle and feed the birds (which appear to be constantly startled.) Others are not so sure....