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Talent Shows

The highlight of last weekend's activities was a talent show that I missed. Despite this disappointment, I found that talent shows in many venues. Monday's Martin Luther King Jr. Day's activities included a commanding performance by Michael Fosberg of his powerful, one man play, Incognito. This highly acclaimed production takes us through Michael's personal self-discovery, when--as an adult--he discovers that his biological father is African-American.

The issues raised by his life story are extraordinary. Michael attended classes throughout Tuesday. Here, he's meeting with a combined Psychology 2 and Directing class.

The talent show continues. Daniel, who is spending a senior year at Proctor from Auburn, Washington, is an accomplished potter, who spends time at the wheel in the evening, because he has no time for ceramics during the day.

In the boatshop, Ryan and Matt are painting a superb table with great concentration.

Across the room, Raymon works on details of a fine jewelry box in front of Greg Allen.

Speaking of talent, the Alice Fowler Singers posed tonight for a photo to promote their upcoming tour of Great Britain in March.

Hunter has a talent for teasing Kat, who has some very pretty balloons on her birthday.

Will plays drums at the Saturday night's highly successful Talent Show (thanks, Brenda.)
Rafael shares his own remarkable heritage with Michael Fosberg.
Amanda and Grace have their turn.
The intensely talented Chris Leach takes my camera for one minute and scores this award-winning image of Shawn.
Talent appears in many forms.....
For the first time in a long time, a student has the loaner cam! Tommy is providing us a window into his life very soon. Stay tuned!