Over the years, several pages on this site have been dedicated to the peculiar, highly successful manner with which the Proctor community gets underway each September; (I suggest checking out David's Dream, written four years ago this week.). So many adults here have so much experience with the drill, that momentum seems to drive individual performance. Tuesday was registration day, and most of 109 new students are hiking and camping on Wilderness Orientation; some went early.
Word of mouth marketing is the dream of every school, because it comes with spontaneity, emotion and conviction. So, it feels very good to meet families from every corner of the nation (and a handful of foreign countries) who are truly convinced that this is the best place for a son or daughter. The number of siblings and legacies (the children of alumni/ae) is amazing, and intensely gratifying. Here's Peter Von Gal '75 starting the registration process with Reed '09.
For those of us--and there are many--for whom Proctor is a lifetime career, nothing can be more gratifying than the commitment and support of former students. Then there's the fact that nine current faculty are alumni! After lunch on Registration Day. Chris Bartlett '86 reads out Orientation groups.
One of the enduring traditions of the past 35 years is the new families' lapsit on Farrell Field. First, there's the matter of getting into a tight circle of three hundred.....
Finally, the magic moment arrives, and people of all ages go sprawling....

Wilderness Orientation is common sense applied to education: groups of ten...facing something new and possibly uncomfortable...and somehow, getting through....
The obstacles that might confront the team are varied and unique: a rain squall, (groups have experienced measuable snow;) or the rare state highway.
Orientation introduces kids who didn't know each other to triumphs.