As students on-campus for the Winter Term depart for an extended weekend, the thirty students studying in Proctor’s various off-campus programs offered this term continue with their intensive studies.

We are fortunate each of these programs offers weekly blog updates throughout the term, providing tremendous windows into the student off-campus experience. Hopefully, if you have not done so already, you will take time to explore each the most recent blog posts from
Proctor en Segovia,
European Art Classroom and
Mountain Classroom.

In Spain, Isabella's writes about the group’s Catalan dinner in Barcelona with Gloria Sabater, mother of Guillem Cruz Sabater '14. To see all of the group’s recent blog posts, click

Sam Barrett ‘14 writes the
most recent update from European Art Classroom, sharing his thoughts on the group’s excursion to Paris and his feeling of Aix starting to be his ‘home’ for the term.

Meanwhile, despite some early hiccups in the trip, the Mountain Classroom group has arrived at the Annunciation House to learn about border issues in El Paso, Texas. Jaeger and McV write about their experiences in the group’s most recent post

As on-campus students return from Bonus Weekend for the final stretch of the Winter Term, the thirty students studying abroad gear up for the last four weeks of their respective programs. These weeks will be filled with adventure, language acquisition, culturatal immersion and memories that will not only shape their Proctor experience, but their life experiences as well. To learn more about Proctor’s off-campus programs and the transformational education they provide, visit
Proctor’s Experiential Learning landing page!