A Term in Review: Winter 2013

The end of the Winter Term is here and students have departed for Spring Break (except for the varsity girls' basketball team that is playing in a NEPSAC quarterfinal game this afternoon!). In many ways, the Winter Term feels like it took place in a blink of an eye as it seems students just arrived on campus following Thanksgiving break. However, the reality is that over the past twelve weeks, Proctor's student and faculty have embarked on a learning experience, that for many has transformed their view of lives.  For the thirty students who spent the term studying off-campus, the past twelve weeks have redefined their view of education as they were immersed in other cultures and stretched well beyond their comfort zone. For those 325 students studying on campus, similar 'stretching' occurred. Classes, afternoon activities, extracurricular programs, community service opportunities, and individual relationships with teachers afforded students the opportunity to have new experiences, and perhaps allowed a once hesitant student to understand just how much she has to offer those around her.  The intent of today's post is not to explore a specific topic, or discuss an article relevant to the educational model we have built at Proctor, but rather to reflect on the Winter Term and see through previous posts on this blog just how much learning, molding, stretching, and shaping has taken place within our community. I encourage you to look through previous posts and relive the past term in the classrooms at Proctor!  November 26, 2013 - Learning 3.0 December 3, 2012 - World Language Energy December 6, 2012 - Speeches and Reflections December 11, 2012 - Instructionally Innovative
December 13, 2012 - A Customized EducationJanuary 3, 2013 - Values Based Technology January 7, 2013 - Transformational Experiences January 10, 2013 - Valuing Delayed Gratification January 14, 2013 - Winter Blues Overcome January 17, 2013 - Implementing Strategy
January 21, 2013 - A Ninth Grade Perspective January 24, 2013 - Nature vs Nurture January 28, 2013 - Fueling the Next Generation January 31, 2013 - Hays Speaking Contest 2013 February 4, 2013 - Off Campus Updates February 7, 2013 - Accountability Driven Independence February 11, 2013 - Valuing Engagement February 14, 2013 - Contextualizing Content February 18, 2013 - Creative Literacy February 21, 2013 - Working Toward Balance February 25, 2013 - Final Exam Preparations  We hope everyone has a wonderful Spring Break and returns to campus energized for the final trimester of the 2012-2013 school year!
The past twelve weeks of the Winter Term have been packed with learning opportunities for Proctor's students.
Whether in a science class...
In afternoon activities...
Or in the arts.
We are proud of what our students have accomplished this term and are excited to see what the Spring Term has in store of all of us!