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Social Capital
Building Identity
Proctor's Life Skills Department seeks to create the best curriculum to teach our students the skills necessary to find success at Proctor and in life beyond our campus. The health and well-being of students is paramount to establishing a foundation for success in all areas of a student's life at Proctor and the systems that advance this goal span academic and residential programs beginning with a comprehensive ninth grade curriculum.

This ninth grade curriculum has evolved alongside the Life Skills Department, most recently developing from Proctor's former GROWTH curriculum into a new model that truly encompasses the entire freshman experience. Led by Terry Stoecker and Jen Fleming, Proctor's Freshman Seminar works to establish life-style habits that will lead to improved organization, time management, and healthy decision making as students adjust to life at Proctor.

The Fall Term of the ninth grade program focuses on transition into the community; emphasizing an exploration of Proctor's mission, the expansive programming used to attain that mission, and the skills necessary to make the most of each individual's Proctor experience. For each of these new ninth grade students, the past year has brought with it tremendous changes. For nearly all, the transition from middle school at home to life at a boarding school is a significant one.

Responsibility for daily tasks, like doing laundry, giving yourself enough time to do homework, eat meals and balance commitments is real. Helping students manage these responsibilities is a necessary part of Proctor's academic and residential mission, and therefore, core to the Freshman Seminar's goals. 

Most recently, all four classes of the Freshman Seminar have met with members of the Admissions Office to embark on this process as they learn to give tours of the campus as part of the Green Key group. After a few weeks of learning about the school these ninth graders will be able to then start the process of giving back by helping prospective families explore Proctor.

Director of Admissions Chris Bartlett ('86) commented to the F Block seminar class, "Not only do we want you to improve your public speaking skills and learn to feel confident answering questions from a variety of people, but we hope this process will help you connect to your community. We want each of you to feel ownership in this community, to nurture it and help it grow into what you want it to be during the next four years."

As students reflected on their own tours of Proctor and other boarding schools, one student, Daisey, made an interesting observation, "I was so nervous visiting schools, but when I came to Proctor, I felt comfortable. My tour here was a huge reason why I decided to come here, because I felt accepted and not judged." It is through a focus on the school's core values of respect, responsibility, compassion, and honesty that this group of ninth graders will provide similar experiences to the families that visit this fall. 

Throughout the remainder of the term, many of these ninth grade students will transform into wonderful ambassadors of the school whether or not they become a part of the Green Key tour guide program. As ninth graders are provided a voice, and given the freedom to explore themselves, their passions, and their identities as engaged members of the community, Proctor will continue to foster an environment that encourages diversity of thought, values trusting relationships with peers and adults, and graduates individuals confident in their sense of self.
Through Proctor's new Freshman Seminar and the integrated residential support of ninth grade dorm parents and program coordinators, each ninth grader is exposed to the study skills, resources, and clear guidelines that will allow for a successful Proctor career.
As ninth graders begin their careers at Proctor, they are encouraged to delve into self-exploration through open conversations in their small classes.
Over the next three weeks, Director of Admissions Chris Bartlett ('86) and the admissions team will meet with ninth graders to discuss their start at Proctor and to encourage involvement in the Green Key tour program.
These new students are not only being exposed to the skills and habits that will make for a successful Proctor experience, but are being encouraged to make the most of their Proctor experience by developing a sense of ownership in the community!