While traditionally-valued intelligence focuses on knowing an answer, true intelligence is a willingness to embrace any number of possibilities.
Alex Wissner describes intelligence in the TED Talk below as, “A physical process that tries to maximize future freedom of action and avoid constraints in its own future.”
During the admission process, each prospective family begins to understand the remarkable breadth of our curriculum. This is a tremendous strength of Proctor as a school, and one we are incredibly proud of offering students and their families. However, what we are even more proud of is the intelligence with which our students navigate that breadth of curriculum.

A student who came to Proctor determined to endeavor in one area of study may be inspired by an assembly announcement to try Ocean Classroom, thus shifting her path entirely. Or maybe a student passionate about math entering Proctor as a freshman combines that interest with art through architectural design, engineering, and math design theory courses.

The beauty of our curriculum lies in the fact that no student’s journey is predestined or prescribed. It is organic, ever-changing. While the most efficient way to get from point A to point B may be a straight line, we encourage students to explore all the possible ways to arrive at Point B. For us, it is the journey through various elective courses, AP courses, terms abroad, and trying a new sport or new instrument that provides students the ability to pursue future endeavors without constraints.

To us, intelligence is far more than how you score on a standardized test. Intelligence is understanding the value in stepping outside your comfort zone. It is the willingness to take classes and enroll in off-campus programs that will challenge the way you think about the world around you and demand you to develop a solid work ethic. It is seeing the 139 academic courses available to you at Proctor and allowing your journey to evolve as you do.

Our curriculum launches graduates into lives that maximize action and lives that seek to make a significant impact in their chosen field -- whatever that may be!