Reminder: Be Confident in Who You Are

Every once in a while a student is able to communicate perfectly what we (whose job it is to help articulate Proctor as an educational community) attempt to do each and every day. Friday's assembly captured one of those moments.  Begun last year by English teacher Peter Southworth, the Senior Speaker Series affords an opportunity for graduating seniors to share with the community thoughts on their Proctor experience. While every senior who chooses to give a speech offers a unique perspective, Jacob '13, no stranger to the stage as a veteran of Proctor's drama program, instrumental ensemble and Hay's Speaking Contest winner in 2011, offered the most useful advice I have ever heard from a student.  In short, Jacob cut to the core of what we try to do at Proctor (value individuals for who they are) by sharing his personal journey in the following words: "It never occurred to me that someone could find me interesting. That my differences could bring value to a community. Actually, I have you to thank you all for that. One of the first major changes I noticed when I arrived at Proctor was that i was able to hold conversations with people without seeming awkward. At Proctor there is no social convention." "Seeing my differences so wholeheartedly embraced caused me to reevaluate my own dealings with others, taking more interest in my community around me. To this day, I aspire to be for the world what you all have been for me; to take genuine interest in what makes us all special." "I, too, once felt the fear of being different constituted a weakness. Now I understand that our differences are our greatest strengths. Only at a place like Proctor, where our differences are not only tolerated, but embraced, can we discover the ways we can best discover how to contribute to the world at large. At Proctor, students, faculty, staff, literally everyone who is touched by this community is one step closer to finding their place in the world." "If there is one bit of advice I can offer you all before I end my time here it is this: don't be afraid of who you are. You'll never make a difference in the world until you find out what truly sets you apart. I say this to everyone listening, but also to the school as a whole. If what Proctor has to offer does not meet the demands of certain applicants, then maybe we are better off letting them find more fulfilling experience elsewhere. to find a better place elsewhere." "Change can be beneficial, indeed it often is, but our efforts to improve the school must not be allowed to blind us to the things that set us apart. I have faith that Proctor will not conform to the standards of those that seek uniformity."  To listen to Jacob's speech in its entirety, click HERE. Thank you, Jacob, for reminding us to be true to ourselves during our continuous pursuit for excellence as a learning community.
Proctor's Senior Speaker Series provides an open forum for seniors to reflect on their time at Proctor.
Friday's speech by Jacob '13 left a lasting impact on all those in attendance during assembly.
Jacob noted that while he arrived as a young man who lacked confidence anyone would ever understand him, Proctor redefined his preconceived notions of others.
"At Proctor, there are no social conventions...Seeing my differences so wholeheartedly embraced caused me to reevaluate my own dealings with others."
"If there is one bit of advice I can offer you all before I end my time here it is this: don't be afraid of who you are. You'll never make a difference in the world until you find out what truly sets you apart."
Amazing advice from a student to a community, and a wonderful reminder to stay true to who we are as a school.