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Off-Campus Program Signups!
Students have begun the sign-up process for off-campus programs for the 2014-2015 academic year. Following last Friday’s assembly, off-campus program directors fielded questions from the dozens of students contemplating a term abroad on Ocean Classroom, Mountain Classroom, European Art Classroom, Proctor en Segovia, or in Costa Rica. For over 70% of Proctor’s students, a term abroad becomes a reality and it is exciting to watch the process begin for yet another group of students!

The video below was shared with the community last week and provides tremendous insights into the impact of studying abroad. With five term-long off-campus programs in the academic curriculum, Proctor’s approach to fully integrated experiential learning transforms student lives. Period.

(If you are having trouble seeing the video above because it is on a Flash player, please click this link).

No matter which program a student chooses, the same educational philosophy espoused in the video above applies. We want our students fully immersed in the learning opportunities presented them and there is no better way to do this than to study off-campus at Proctor! To learn more, visit our Off-Campus page here.
More than 70% of Proctor students choose to study abroad during their Proctor careers.
With five term-long programs in the academic curriculum, choosing an off-campus program is far harder than deciding to go off-campus in the first place.
Those students that do choose to study off-campus quickly find that the experience is life-changing.
As students complete off-campus program applications this week in preparation for the 2014-2015 academic year, we are once again reminded how robust our off-campus program truly is.